[Excerpt from San Antonio Report]
“We were told there will be jobs for the communities, hotels, restaurants, stores — empty promises,” said Darius Lemelle, a leader with St. Paul United Methodist Church - COPS/Metro.
“That we see leaders continue to allow these developers to take our tax dollars for private investment, I say no more.”
The meetings follow a public call by Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai for more clarity on what the project will cost and how it will be paid for before he could agree to a venue tax election requested by the San Antonio Spurs’ basketball team owners....
[T]own hall attendees... frequently expressed their ire for a proposed new stadium after several said the arena failed to deliver in terms of economic development for the East Side.
Many said they oppose any new taxes to pay for it.
“Our tax money is better spent on what the East Side needs — more green spaces, workforce development and opportunities, and affordable housing and access to healthcare facilities and quality health care,” said Stewart Blanton, also speaking on behalf of COPS/Metro Alliance.
[Photo Credit: San Antonio Express-News]
East Side Residents at Town Hall Balk at Tax Dollars for a New Spurs Arena, San Antonio Express-News [pdf]
What Happens to the Frost Bank Center if the Spurs Move? Town Hall Participants Voice Ideas, Concerns, San Antonio Report [pdf]
'Invest In the People': Residents Sound Off on Future of Frost Bank Center, MySA [pdf]
Frost Bank Center Town Hall, Tommy Calvert, Bexar County Commissioner Precinct 4 on Facebook