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Job Training & SA Ready to Work

In 1990, in the wake of factory closures that left thousands jobless, COPS/Metro established Project QUEST, an innovative job training program with wrap-around support. It has since become recognized nationally as a model for workforce development, graduating more than 15,000 people into high-wage jobs and creating an impact even on the next generation, enabling the children of many graduates to attend college. Since then, COPS/Metro has constantly advocated to fund and expand the program.

When Covid-19 hit, it also left thousands jobless. Leaders saw the opportunity to bring the benefits of Project QUEST to an even larger group of San Antonio residents. They brought the city together with some of its largest employers, and proposed SA Ready to Workthe biggest workforce initiative ever attempted by a city in the United States. Then, they organized around a ballot initiative that passed with 77% of the vote, to allocate $200 Million to the program.

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