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SA Leaders Recognize Project QUEST for Highest Earnings Impact in U.S. at COPS/Metro Press Conference

On October 30th, city officials and business leaders gathered at COPS/Metro's press conference to celebrate the results of a new study showing Project Quest to have “the longest sustained earnings impacts ever found in a U.S. workforce development program,” according to study author Mark Elliott, president of the Economic Mobility Corporation. This amounts to a 234% return on investment over 14 years.

“Only five or six organizations in the country have ever demonstrated significant earnings impacts in a rigorous evaluation of this kind.” Elliot continued.

Participants experienced an average income increase of $54,000, while those aged 35-64 earned nearly $139,000 more than a control group.

"COPS/Metro and Project QUEST more specifically is changing and transforming lives in our city," said Mayor Ron Nirenberg. County Judge Peter Sakai pledged to work with QUEST and COPS/Metro as more companies move to Bexar County.

Business leaders also joined the gathering. Ben Peavy of Accenture noted, "We've hired 100 Project QUESTers... they've made us a stronger and better organization."

Pat Frost credited his father, Tom Frost, who played a key role in building and sustaining the program with COPS/Metro. "I'll tell you in heaven right now, he is smiling with these great results," Frost said.

Dr. Sonia Hernandez, Project QUEST board chair and COPS/Metro leader, remembered the history: "You know Project QUEST was founded in 1992 in the midst of economic turmoil with the closing of the Levi's Plant, and Kelly Air Force Base. People found themselves without jobs from one day to the next." COPS/Metro worked with business leaders like Tom Frost and Charlie Cheever to identify employers who were seeking high skilled workers, and built a job training program to fill those jobs. The program's high level of support contributed to its success. 1-1 counseling and financial assistance for barriers like child care and transportation helped participants complete their training and enter high-wage jobs in sectors like health care and tech.

The study results come as COPS/Metro continues to work with San Antonio to ensure the success of SA Ready to Work, which, like Project QUEST, seeks to target in-demand sectors of the economy, build relationships with local employers, and offer wraparound support services while participants are in training.


Project Quest saw a 234% ROI on workforce training. What does that mean for Ready to Work? Tracy Idell Hamilton, SA Report, Oct 30, 2024


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