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COPS/Metro Makes Case for Proposition B

November 02, 2020

[Excerpt below] Proponents of a local ballot measure that would set up a pandemic-relief job retraining program are making a last-minute push to ensure it's not lost as voters go to the polls for the high-stakes presidential election. Proposition B, dubbed SA Ready To Work,...

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San Antonio Sister Urges Voters to Vote Their Conscience (and Support Prop B)

November 02, 2020

[Excerpts] As political groups across the country make their last appeals to Christian voters, often pointing to a narrow set of issues, Sister Jane Ann Slater, chancellor of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio, wants the people of faith to think more broadly... “You...

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COPS/Metro Celebrates TxDOT Fixing of "Death Curve" in Helotes

October 22, 2020

[Excerpts] Crews have improved a curve off FM 1560 and Riggs Road that drivers called dangerous and deadly with the hope of fewer crashes in the area. In late 2018 improvements were made to the area to create better traffic flow. However, cement barriers...

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COPS/Metro and Faith Leaders Recognize City Council and Staff for Policy Change

October 15, 2020

[Excerpt] COPS/Metro in partnership with Community Churches for Social Action (CCSA), and the Baptist Ministers' Union (BMU), has recognized the effort and commitment of elected officials and city staff for revising the San Antonio Police Use of Force policy to completely prohibit, with no...

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COPS/Metro Accountability Session

September 30, 2020

On Sunday September 27th 500+ COPS/Metro Leaders attended our Accountability Session where their institutions committed to deliver 50,000 votes for the November election. Thirteen candidates attended to declare their support for COPS/Metro's agenda of issues on Workforce Development, Police Reform, Education and others. Check...

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San Antonio Report Reframes COPS/Metro Ballot Initiative as Opportunity to Celebrate Labor Day in November

September 09, 2020

[Excerpt] About five years ago, COPS/Metro sought and won “living wage” minimum pay for City workers, resulting in raises for about 20 percent of the civilian workforce. They won similar measures from Bexar County, and some school districts followed suit. Now two measures on...

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COPS/Metro Gets Workforce Development Measure on November Ballot

August 14, 2020

[Excerpt] Voters will be asked to approve a 1/8-cent sales tax to fund job training and college degrees for San Antonians who lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The money also would help participants pay rent and other living expenses while they...

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COPS/Metro Advances Tenant Rights in San Antonio. Landlords Now Required to Inform Tenants of Rights

June 29, 2020

[Excerpt] City council unanimously approved an ordinance Thursday requiring landlords and property managers to provide a document called a “notice of tenant’s rights” to tenants they want to evict, a measure they hope will curb evictions locally during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. The...

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